Walt Disney Animation Studios comes out with a new Disney Princess in the movie Frozen, which is coming out on November 27 (directed by Chris Buck).
This princess, the fearless optimist Anna (voiced by Kristin Bell), sets off on a perilous journey to find her sister Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel).
Elsa's icy powers have been trapped in the kingdom of Arendelle. Kristoff (voiced by Jonathan Groff), a hilarious but really stupid snowman named Olaf (i really hate this character), and Anna must go through Everest-like conditions to save the kingdom.
sooooo yah make sure to go see Frozen on November 27 at the theatres in 3D (...or not becuase if ur like me dont see it in 3D cuz it gives me a massive headache afterward)
Here's the link x
THe new disney princess seems so awesomeand the movie itself seems really good too!!
ReplyDeleteoh! i cant wait to see this new princess movie..
ReplyDeleteI am so gonna watch this movie, I like watching movies in 2d because 3d gives me a headache as well.
ReplyDeleteI love Disney. My favorites are still Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. (totally have them on DVD)
ReplyDeleteI want to watch it, but my family thinks it'll be a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteim so excciitteeedddd ommmggg i want to see this so bad